Watermelon Park Campground

River Adventures & RV Site Reservations
Call 540-955-4803 or email info@watermelonpark.com for all inquiries regarding RV Camping, Tubing, Kayaking, Events, Weddings, Company or Family Outings, Sponsorship, Advertising, Public Relations, Fund Raising, Customer Feedback, and all other questions or concerns.
From the Winchester Area… Take Rt. 7 East to 621 (Chilly Hollow Rd.) Nall’s Market is located on the corner! Turn right. We are about 3 miles from Rt. 7. Please drive slowly…It’s is a very curvy gravel road! (Approx. 30 minutes from Winchester).
From the Leesburg/DC Area: Take Rt. 7 West to 621 (Chilly Hollow Rd.) Nall’s Market is located on your left. Turn Left. We are about 3 miles from Rt. 7. Please drive slowly…It’s is a very curvy gravel road! (Approx. 30 minutes from Leesburg) (Approx. 1 hour from the D.C. Metro Area).
Look for our New VDOT signs along Rt. 7!